Our Large Artical Monitor (LAM) wish Isotope ID, is designed to perform a fast gamma contamination check of large article volumes, tools and other related articles. Measurement results, alarms and malfunctions are displayed by the control console as well as the alarm unit.

It's Portable!
The LAM system can be easily moved and relocated by the user a result of 4 pivoting and lockable wheels. The mechanical structure is made of stainless steel, all internal and external surfaces are specifically designed to be easily cleaned and decontaminated.
It's Smart
The control console consists of a touch-screen PC installed on the top of the system, equipped with an ELSE NUCLEAR management software.
It's Affordable
When compared to current contamination monitors currently on the market.
Please contact us for a quote or further information.
RT Technologies, Inc.
770-332-0092 contact@rtlasersafety.com www.rtlasersafety.com