Remote Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Training
RT Technologies offers remote Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Training.
Remote Laser Safety Officer Course
(distanced learning: instructor does not have to come to the site)
Course Instructor: Tom Lieb CLSO
RT Technologies Laser Safety Officer
Chair IEC TC 76 Optical Radiation Safety & Laser Equipment (IEC EN 60825)
Convener ISO/IEC/EN 11553 Safety of Machines, Laser Processing Machines
Secretary, IEC/TC 76 WG 7- High Powered Lasers (IEC 60825-4: Safety of laser products – Part 4: Laser guards)
Course Topics
Review of laser technology & laser safety overview effects on the eye and skin
LSO duties and responsibilities Nominal Hazard Zones (NHZ) Details of laser hazard classes (Wavelength time corrections, AEL values) MPE’s (tabular & calculated examples)
Laser eyewear selection
Laser control measures discussion Associated hazards
Course Performance Objectives
Following the completion of this course, the students will demonstrate the ability to:
Discuss the fundamental concepts of laser science, biophysics, and tissue effects of lasers in current manufacturing use
Identify the components of commonly used laser systems, delivery devices, and accessory instrumentation.
Determine hazards associated with laser systems, by means of Standards compliance and risk assessment.
Discuss administrative, engineering, and procedural control measures required of individuals working with lasers, the responsibility of the employer and the role of LSO’s and a Laser Safety Management Program
Understand the impact and implementation of safety standards, in practical terms, in an active manufacturing environment.
Course Details
Two Days
Training for up to ten students
Course includes lectures, discussions, and topics relevant to your laser safety program
Facility Technology Requirements
The following is to be provided by the customer/students:
High Speed wireless internet connection suitable to
accessing audio/video (Zoom, WebEx, MS Teams etc.)
Note: No video or audio taping is permitted
See Review Sample Outlines of other Laser Safety Training Classes as administered by RT Technologies Certified Laser Safety Officers (CLSO).

Course Description
The two day Laser Safety Officer course contains the following elements: An Explanation of LSO duties and requirements (referencing ANSI Z136.1, OSHA, FDA-CDRH and State standards); A review of basic laser operation, and biological effects ; A review of the controls of laser hazards; non-beam hazards associated with laser use (i.e. fumes, shock, plume, etc.) emphasis on industrial hygiene based or engineering control solutions. Per client request, we will place emphasis on performance of audits and calculating OD for eyewear (examples at 193 nm pulsed, 213 nm pulsed, 325 nm CW, 488 nm CW, 633 nm CW, and 830 nm CW). The course concludes with an exam featuring working knowledge of MPE, AEL, NHZ and OD factors, etc.